How Producers Leap From Good to Great

Are you a producer or executive hungry to rocket your career into the A leagues? An exciting and totally cool objective but challenging indeed. What is the best way to light that career fuse?

It may not come as a big surprise that my basic recommendation is:

Find and produce better stories.

Yeah, kinda obvious. Except do you really think it’s well practised? I don’t!

It’s sad to say that most film and television stories today are best ignored. Yes, there is gold out there, but it’s becoming rarer and rarer. And, yes, many non-story/business considerations quite rightly go into why a specific script is anointed to be produced. But such decisions are often out of your control so focus on what a producer can and should control.

I strongly believe that generally the make-or-break bottom line to the success of a film or TV show and the fuse igniter of the best creative careers is story quality.

So how can a producer find and produce markedly better stories?

Actionable Creative Tips

Here are three tips to find and create more resonant and door opening stories:  

1)  First, you must want to. Many producers are deal or physical producers, for example, not story creatives. But all producers should be concerned with story quality. That is the road to bigger pots of gold.

2)  Put story first. Then worry about stars, territory sales, marketing, and so on.  

3) Ravish the past. There are countless great novels and plays buried in the pages of history that would make great films. One of my development niches is working with producers to find and develop such stories.

4) Use story consultants who know what is a classic story -- one that especially has a zinging hook and huge values at risk that a vast audience can empathize with and want to watch multiple times. A story that has a resonating theme!


Then look at the greatest producers in the history of film, those daring visionaries of the past -- the Fords, Disneys, and Selznicks. What was their superpower? To be even more obvious: Story!

Make story your superpower! That is the best career rocket to the A leagues.

If you want help to find and develop stronger stories to boost your career, audience, and profits reply STORY.


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Scott is honest, experienced, and knows how to find and tend the heart of a story so that everything else just falls into place.” Sean Guy, screenwriter/playwright

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